Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Kiirtan in the Light of Modern Physics By Acarya Cidananda Avadhuta

Según la física, el mundo que nos rodea está hecho de moléculas que vibran, átomos y partículas subatómicas. Estos consisten en partículas que interactúan entre sí mediante la creación y la destrucción de otras partículas. Esta danza cósmica de la energía rítmica, de nacimiento, vida y muerte, es "la materia fundamental del universo.

Este concepto es la ciencia de la física cuántica. Fue desarrollada por Albert Einstein, Bohr y Werner Heisenberg Neils en la primera mitad del siglo XX. Reconoce que el mundo no es una colección de objetos separados, pero es una red de relaciones entre las distintas partes de un todo unificado. Esta realidad que ahora se llama la teoría de la mecánica ondulatoria.

Según esta teoría, todo el universo es un océano de olas y cada ser físico no es más que un murmullo de las olas o un paquete de ondas. A pesar de la física moderna, sólo se acepta esto recientemente, el antiguo yoguis tántricos de la India, descubrió esta verdad miles de años atrás y entender con más detalle.

No es bien sabido que la física cuántica le debe parte de la deuda a la espiritualidad tántrica. En 1929, Heisenberg pasó algún tiempo en la India como país invitado del famoso poeta, Rabindranath Tagore. Juntos tuvieron largas conversaciones sobre la ciencia y la filosofía de la India. Heisenberg dijo más tarde a Fritjof Capra, "Esta introducción a la espiritualidad de la India me ha traído un gran consuelo. Que anteriormente había sido tan difícil para mí y mis colegas físicos a aceptar que la relatividad, la interconexión, y la impermanencia podrían ser aspectos fundamentales de la realidad física. No me enteré de que eran la base misma de las tradiciones espirituales de la India. Después de estas conversaciones con Tagore, algunas de las ideas que parecían tan loco de repente mucho más sentido. Esa fue una gran ayuda para mí. "

La ciencia y la espiritualidad no son contradictorios, sino que se refuerzan mutuamente. Como la física se desarrolla, se descubre que las teorías del Tantra Yoga están en armonía con la ciencia y, finalmente, que puedan ser verificados mediante pruebas de laboratorio.

Hay 64 textos antiguos de la India llamado Tantra Shastra. En esas escrituras es una explicación clara de seis dimensiones sadhana (práctica espiritual). Incluye instrucciones de cómo un aspirante espiritual que es experto en esta sadhana de seis dimensiones pueden desintegrarse su cuerpo a voluntad y reintegrar a su cuerpo-en otro lugar. Este fenómeno extraordinario tiene una base lógica en la mecánica ondulatoria de la física cuántica.

Todo está compuesta de ondas, y cada objeto también emana ondas. Su mano, su cara y todas las partes de su cuerpo emana tanto las ondas físicas y psíquicas. Cada ser es un conjunto de vibraciones, con mayor o menor intensidad y densidad. Los momentos sutil o fuerza motriz detrás de todas estas ondas está siendo adquirido y almacenado en su mente.

Todo en el universo está en movimiento. Cada partícula subatómica está en constante movimiento. De manera similar, una hormiga se mueve en la parte posterior de un elefante, que también se mueve. El elefante está en la tierra que se mueve en el sistema solar, y los movimientos del sistema solar en nuestra galaxia que se mueven a través del universo.

Cada ola está en movimiento. Cada ola actúa y reacciona con otras ondas, con las partículas subatómicas siendo constantemente destruidos y creados como resultado. Así que la vibración resultante global de una persona depende del flujo extroversial o introspectiva de sus ondas individuales. En la mente la unidad hay tres fuerzas en el trabajo: sensibles y transformadoras de la estática y la de la. El flujo de extroversial o introspectiva de las olas de una persona absorbe a él o ella, con un predominio de una de estas tres fuerzas cualitativas. De esto se puede reconocer a una persona tan noble o egoísta.

De una manera más lúcida, tanto el olor de la comida deliciosa y la visión de un elefante le afectará. Sus efectos variarán de acuerdo con su vibración y de acuerdo con el estado de su mente. Pero si le gustan o no, las olas le afectará. El mundo de hoy está lleno de una multitud de vibraciones procedentes de momentos muy diversos. La acción y la reacción de estas ondas en el que hacer de su mente inquieta. Estas ondas hacen que sea difícil pensar con claridad o concentrarse.

Todo ser humano tiene un cuerpo físico, un potencial mental y espiritual. Cantando y bailando kiirtan con el mantra universal, Baba Nam Kevalam es una práctica físico-psico-espiritual, porque beneficia a las tres de estos aspectos dentro de ti.

Kiirtan (cantando mantras) transmuta el flujo mental de flujo espiritual. Sobrealimenta el medio ambiente a tu alrededor, que entran en todos los polos de su cuerpo. Cuando uno canta kiirtan, una vibración divina se produce, que prepara la mente y el cuerpo para la meditación. Diferentes impresiones de la mente poco a poco transmutado hacia la sutileza Supremo.

Kiirtan también se transforma. Esto cambia la forma, tamaño, masa y las propiedades de los objetos que se encuentra. Kiirtan crea un campo electromagnético. Como un imán poderoso que cambia la propiedad de las células cerebrales, por lo que la energía en bruto se transforma en energía sutil. Dondequiera que los ojos se vean durante el kiirtan, se ve sólo a Dios. Los Baba Nam Kevalam sobrealimenta mantra el aire que huele y la tierra que tocan nuestros dedos de los pies. El ritmo de kiirtan es el ritmo divino del universo. Aquellos que practican kiirtan internalizar este ritmo universal a través de todos sus órganos de los sentidos. Este ritmo universal no borra las ideas en bruto, sino que desvía su caudal. Si se hace con sinceridad, kiirtan es una desviación fuerte de los pensamientos del crudo. Se purifica la mente y la meditación ayudas.

No suprimir los pensamientos negativos que surgen en la mente. En su lugar, tratar de canalizar hacia Dios cantando kiirtan. Si usted encuentra que su mente está la lucha contra estos pensamientos negativos y la meditación no es a su entera satisfacción, piensa: "Todo pasa por el mejor Cualquier bien o mal está en mí, es tuyo.".

Hay un incidente que tuvo lugar en Bengala unos pocos cientos de años atrás, que muestra el poder de transmutar kiirtan devocional crudo ondas mentales en ondas sutiles y sensibles. Caetanya Mahaprabhu introdujo kiirtan como un movimiento popular espiritual para superar los dogmas religiosos. Se encontró con la oposición celosa de ambos líderes fanáticos musulmanes y los hindúes fanáticos. Haridas era un devoto seguidor de este movimiento. Entonces él vivía solo en un pequeño ashram en el distrito de Nadia. Para desacreditarlo, algunos líderes religiosos conspiró para destruir su carácter y su reputación. Ellos pagaron a una prostituta para ir a su ashram cada día y tratar de seducirlo.

Como Haridas era un devoto, él recibió la intuición divina de algún peligro inminente, por lo que decidió a cantar kiirtan continuamente (Akhanda Kiirtan) a partir de cuando se despertó durante 21 días hasta que se durmió.

La mayoría de los yoguis tienen una debilidad por la comida, por lo que todas las mañanas a la prostituta muy deliciosa comida preparada y lo dejó para él en la entrada de su ashram. Luego esperó pacientemente a que comer y hablar con ella. Sin embargo, durante tres semanas, él nunca tocó nada de la comida que traía y que nunca habló. Sólo cantó kiirtan.

Finalmente, después de los 21 días habían terminado, Haridas saludó a la mujer con Namaskar y le preguntó si podría ser cualquier cosa por ella. Entonces me confesó todo lo que ella había hecho y estaba previsto. Pero ella dijo que mientras esperaba todos los días con su mal propósito, el sonido de la kiirtan cambiado totalmente su mente. Ahora sólo quería arrepentirse y convertirse en un devoto de Dios. Así Haridas animó a reformar su vida y la invitó a tomar las riendas de ese ashram y cantar kiirtan todos los días. Luego salió de allí para continuar su trabajo inspira a las masas a cantar kiirtan. Ella se convirtió en un santo y se hizo muy conocida por su devoción y humildad.

Por todas las razones científicas antes mencionadas, kiirtan es una panacea para todo tipo de enfermedades físicas y mentales. Una razón adicional que actúa como un remedio universal es que atrae la gracia de la Conciencia Suprema, porque es una expresión de amor devocional. La gracia divina puede obrar milagros y superar todos los obstáculos.

Acarya Cidananda Avadhuta es un profesor senior de Yoga Ananda Marga. La cita de Werner Heisenberg está tomado del libro: Capra, Fritjof. Sabiduría Poco frecuentes: Las conversaciones con personas notables. Simon y Schuster: Nueva York, 1988, p. 43.

LALITA MÁRMIKA fue inventado por Párvatii, la esposa de Sadashiva. Al igual que Tandava es de 7000 años de antigüedad.
Pero LALITA MÁRMIKA es totalmente diferente de los otros dos bailes. Es puramente una danza devocional. Sus movimientos suaves oscilantes producen sensaciones suaves y dulces en la mente. Esto ayuda mucho en la expansión de la mente y liberarla de todos los sentimientos negativos como la depresión, la desesperanza, el orgullo, el estrés y la preocupación. La danza de Lalita MÁRMIKA expresa felicidad, alegría y entrega. Es la mejor ayuda para la meditación espiritual.
El paso de baile:
En LALITA MÁRMIKA los brazos se levantan 90 (desde los hombros, las palmas hacia arriba. El paso a paso es un suave movimiento de balanceo de un lado a otro. El dedo gordo del pie derecho se coloca detrás del talón izquierdo la rodilla izquierda está ligeramente inclinada hacia delante. Repita el movimiento en el otro lado.
Al igual que en los otros dos bailes, el Marmika Lalita está acompañado por el mantra universal, NA'M BA'BA 'Kevalam.
La combinación de Lalita MÁRMIKA con el canto de NA'M BA'BA 'Kevalam se llama, "Kiirtan". Kiirtan significa, "para cantar y escuchar el nombre de la Corte Suprema". Se recomienda llevar a cabo LALITA MÁRMIKA por lo menos diez minutos antes de la meditación.
Beneficios de Lalita MÁRMIKA:
* Afloja las articulaciones de las rodillas y los tobillos se preparan para una postura de meditación.
* Excelente panacea para problemas del corazón, la hipertensión y la presión arterial alta.
* Estimula la glándula pineal para despertar la conciencia superior.
* Despierta sentimientos latentes de la devoción y el amor para toda la Creación.
* Induce sentimientos de entrega a la Voluntad Suprema.
* Produce sentimientos blandos de la compasión, la ternura y la bondad en la mente.
* Despierta todas las facultades superiores y más sutiles mentales.
* Prepara la mente para la meditación profunda y concentrada.
* Elimina las vibraciones negativas en el entorno local.
Los diversos tipos de Kiirtan:
Hay varios otros tipos de Kiirtan que se pueden hacer, junto con la danza LALITA MÁRMIKA. Se pueden hacer de acuerdo con las circunstancias.
1. Akhanda Kiirtan: es una Kiirtan realizó durante un mínimo de tres horas. Se realiza en ocasiones especiales, pero se puede hacer en cualquier momento. Akhanda significa "sin fin", por lo tanto esta es una danza Kiirtan tiempo que se debe hacer en cualquier múltiplo de tres: 3 horas, 6 horas, 9 horas, etc Por supuesto, es más fácil de hacer Akhanda Kiirtan cuando hay muchas personas divididas en los diferentes grupos. No es raro que para mantener una Kiirtan hora 24 en algún caso especial.
2. Avarta Kiirtan: es Kiirtan que se hace frente a 6 direcciones diferentes. Cada vez que cambiamos de dirección podemos cambiar la melodía de la Kiirtan. Los 6 direcciones son: Norte, Este, Sur, Oeste, Arriba, Abajo. Al cantar Kiirtan de las 6 direcciones que vibramos todos los sentidos con el sonido de la dichosa NA'M BA'BA 'Kevalam.
3. Nagar Kiirtan: Nagar significa "ciudad". Se trata de una exhibición pública de Kiirtan realiza a través de las calles de una ciudad o pueblo. Una vez más esto se hace en raras ocasiones, ya sea para introducir la idea de Kiirtan al público o para celebrar alguna ocasión especial.

Emociones internas - ¿Qué es kiirtan?

Otra práctica es la elevación espiritual kiirtan.

Kiirtan está cantando o cantar mantras, y se puede hacer antes de la meditación. No es esencial, pero sin duda hace que la mente más fácil de sintonía para la meditación. Hay un mantra universal que tiene un profundo significado espiritual: Baba Nam Kevalam. Baba en sánscrito significa "mi más querida", nam significa "nombre" y kevalam significa "solamente" - "Sólo el nombre de mi más amado". La idea es que sientan por sí mismos el significado interno. Por lo tanto, la ideación de este mantra es: "Donde quiera que mire, en todo lo que siento, oír, saborear, oler y ver, me parece que una Conciencia Suprema que impregna todas las cosas". En general, podemos decir que Baba Nam Kevalam significa "Amor Infinito es todo lo que hay".

Kiirtan tiene muchos beneficios. Se prepara la mente para la meditación, centrándose cuerpo y la mente en el pensamiento cósmico. Pensamientos perturbadores se dispersan, y sentimientos de paz surgen desde el interior. Debido a que la mente se despeja, se pueden encontrar soluciones a los problemas con facilidad después de terminar kiirtan. Y cuando muchas personas cantan y bailan kiirtan juntos, una fuerza espiritual fuerte se crea que se puede prevenir y eliminar las aflicciones, las calamidades y miserias.

Kiirtan suele ir acompañada de Lalita Marmika, un baile sencillo y antiguo hecho con los brazos en alto y un movimiento suave balanceo del cuerpo. Los movimientos de la danza abren el corazón y crear un sentimiento de entrega y alegría.

La danza kiirtan es fácil de realizar. Puntos importantes a destacar de la siguiente manera.

Los brazos se extendió por encima del nivel horizontal del corazón, con las palmas hacia arriba. Esto representa la entrega a la Conciencia Cósmica. Las manos no deben ir por debajo del nivel de los codos. Si las manos no están en el aire, entonces se mantienen unidas o bocina al nivel del pecho o pueden ser utilizados para aplaudir o tocar instrumentos, en particular los instrumentos de percusión como los tambores pequeños, platillos, triángulos, campanas, maracas, etc.

Los pies deben moverse alternativamente, colocando la pelota de un pie cerca o detrás del talón del otro pie. El paso es 1-2-3. Es decir, empezar a levantar los dedos de los pies primero (1) al arrancar, mueva el pie detrás del talón del otro pie (2), y dobla las rodillas de apoyo (3) de ambos pies ligeramente, y luego al mover el primer pie de nuevo a su posición original (1 o 4), arranca 1-2-3-etc en el otro lado del cuerpo.

Toda persona debe mantener el paso juntos. Cuando se realiza en akhanda kiirtan (es decir, kiirtan en un movimiento circular) esto crea un buen flujo balanceándose como los bailarines transportador de las agujas del reloj en un círculo. Cuando se realiza en líneas rectas crea un sentido de la armonía del movimiento.

Cuando bailaba en forma circular, sobre todo en ocasiones especiales, fiestas o retiros, el movimiento será hacia la izquierda. Ver fotos adjuntas.

Kiirtan se puede hacer en solitario, y es particularmente beneficioso antes de la meditación. 5 kiirtan minutos será suficiente para aclarar la mente y para crear un ideal de la calma, efecto fresco para la meditación.

Kiirtan in the Light of Modern Physics By Acarya Cidananda Avadhuta

Kiirtan in the Light of Modern Physics
By Acarya Cidananda Avadhuta

According to physics, the world around us is made of vibrating molecules, atoms and sub-atomic particles. These consist of particles that interact with one another by creating and destroying other particles . This cosmic dance of rhythmic energy, of birth, life and death, is' the fundamental stuff of the universe.

This concept is the science of quantum physics. It was developed by Albert Einstein, Neils Bohr and Werner Heisenberg in the first half of the twentieth century. It recognizes that the world is not a collection of separate objects but is a web of relations between the various parts of a unified whole. This reality is now called the theory of wave mechanics.

According to this theory, the whole universe is an ocean of waves and every physical being is but a ripple of waves or a bundle of waves. Though modern physics only accepted this recently, the ancient tantric yogis of India discovered this truth thousands of years ago and understood it in more detail.

It is not well known that quantum physics owes some debt to Tantric spirituality. In 1929, Heisenberg spent some time in India as the guest of the famous poet, Rabindranath Tagore. Together they had long conversations about science and Indian philosophy. Heisenberg later told Fritjof Capra, "This introduction to Indian spirituality brought me great comfort. It had previously been so difficult for me and my fellow physicists to accept that relativity, interconnectedness, and impermanence could be fundamental aspects of physical reality. There I learned that these were the very basis of the Indian spiritual traditions. After these conversations with Tagore, some of the ideas that had seemed so crazy suddenly made much more sense. That was a great help for me."

Science and spirituality are not contradictory, rather they enhance each other. As physics develops, it will discover that the theories of tantra yoga are in harmony with science and eventually they can be verified by laboratory tests.

There are 64 ancient texts of India called the Tantra Shastra. In those scriptures is a clear explanation of six dimensional sadhana (spiritual practice). It includes instructions how a spiritual aspirant who is adept in this six-dimensional sadhana can disintegrate his body at will and reintegrate-his body at another place. This extraordinary phenomenon has a logical basis in the wave mechanics of quantum physics.

Everything is composed of waves, and every object also emanates waves. Your hand, your face and every part of your body emanate both physical and psychic waves. Every being is a bundle of vibrations with greater or lesser intensity and density. The subtle momenta or motive force behind all these waves is being acquired and stored in your mind.

Everything in this universe is in motion. Every subatomic particle is constantly moving. In a similar way, an ant moves on the back of an elephant, which also moves. The elephant is on the earth that moves in the solar system, and our solar system moves in our galaxy which is moving through the universe.

Every wave is in motion. Every wave acts and reacts with other waves, with subatomic particles constantly being destroyed and created as a result. So the resultant overall vibration of a person depends on the extroversial or introversial flow of his or her individual waves. In the unit mind there are three forces at work: the sentient, the mutative and the static. The extroversial or introversial flow of the waves of a person imbibes him or her with a predominance of one of these three qualitative forces. From this one can recognize a person as noble or selfish.

In a more lucid way, both the smell of delicious food and the sight of an elephant will affect you. Their effects will vary according to their vibration and according to the state of your mind . But whether you like them or not, the waves will affect you. Today's world is full of a multitude of vibrations coming from multifarious momenta. The action and reaction of these waves on you make your mind restless. These waves make it difficult to think properly or to concentrate.

Every human being has a physical body, a mind and spiritual potential. Singing and dancing kiirtan with the universal mantra, Baba Nam Kevalam is a physico-psycho-spiritual practice, because it benefits all three of these aspects within you.

Kiirtan (chanting mantras) transmutes mental flow to spiritual flow. It supercharges the environment around you, entering all the poles of your body. When one sings kiirtan, a divine vibration is produced that prepares the mind and the body for meditation. Different impressions of the mind are gradually transmuted towards Supreme Subtlety.

Kiirtan also transforms. It changes the shape, size, mass and the properties of the objects that it encounters. Kiirtan creates an electromagnetic field. Like a powerful magnet, it changes the property of the brain cells, so crude energy is transformed into subtle energy. Wherever the eyes look during kiirtan, one sees only God. The Baba Nam Kevalam mantra supercharges the air that we smell and the earth that our toes touch. The rhythm of kiirtan is the divine rhythm of the universe. Those who practice kiirtan internalize this universal rhythm through all their sense organs. This universal rhythm does not erase crude ideas, but it diverts their flow. If done sincerely, kiirtan is a strong diversion of crude thoughts. It purifies the mind and aids meditation.

Do not suppress negative thoughts that come in the mind. Instead, try to channelize them towards God by singing kiirtan. If you find that your mind is fighting these negative thoughts and your meditation is not to your satisfaction, think: "Everything happens for the best. Whatever good or bad is in me, it is Yours."

There is an incident that took place in Bengal a few hundred years ago that shows the power of devotional kiirtan to transmute crude mental waves into subtle, sentient waves. Caetanya Mahaprabhu introduced kiirtan as a popular spiritual movement to overcome religious dogmas. He encountered jealous opposition from both fanatic Muslim leaders and fanatic Hindus. Haridas was a devoted follower of this movement. Then he was living alone in a small ashram in Nadia district. To discredit him, some religious leaders plotted to destroy his character and reputation. They paid a prostitute to go to his ashram every day and try to seduce him.

As Haridas was a devotee, he received divine intuition of some approaching danger, so he decided to sing kiirtan continuously (Akhanda Kiirtan) from when he awoke for 21 days until he slept.

Most yogis have a weakness for food, so each morning the prostitute prepared very delicious food and left it for him at the entrance of his ashram. Then she waited patiently for him to eat it and speak to her. But for three weeks he never touched any of the food she brought and he never spoke. He only sang kiirtan.

Finally after the 21 days were over, Haridas greeted the woman with Namaskar and asked if be could do anything for her. Then she confessed everything that she had done and planned. But she said that while she waited each day with her evil purpose, the sound of the kiirtan totally changed her mind. Now she only wanted to repent and to become a devotee of God. So Haridas encouraged her to reform her life and invited her to take charge of that ashram and sing kiirtan everyday. Then he left that place to continue his work inspiring the masses to sing kiirtan. She became a saint and became well-known for her devotion and humility.

For all the scientific reasons mentioned above, kiirtan is a panacea for all kinds of physical and mental diseases. One additional reason that it acts as a universal remedy is that it attracts the grace of the Supreme Consciousness because it is an expression of devotional love. Divine grace can accomplish miracles and overcome every obstacle.

Acarya Cidananda Avadhuta is a senior teacher of Ananda Marga Yoga. The quotation of Werner Heisenberg is taken from the book: Capra, Fritjof. Uncommon Wisdom: Conversations with Remarkable People. Simon and Schuster: New York, 1988, p. 43.

LALITA MÁRMIKA was invented by Párvatii, the spouse of Sadashiva. Like Tandava it is 7000 years old.
But LALITA MÁRMIKA is totally different from the other two dances. It is purely a devotional dance. Its gentle swaying movements produce soft, sweet feelings in the mind. It helps very much in expanding the mind and freeing it from all negative feelings such as depression, hopelessness, pride, stress and worry. The dance of LALITA MÁRMIKA expresses happiness, joy and surrender. It is the best aid for spiritual meditation.
The Dance Step:
In LALITA MÁRMIKA the arms are raised 90( from the shoulders, palms turned upwards. The stepping is a gentle swaying motion from side to side. The right big toe is placed behind the left heel as the left knee is slightly bent forward. Repeat the motion on the other side.
As in the other two dances, the Lalita Marmika is accompanied by the universal mantra, BA´BA´ NA´M KEVALAM.
The combination of LALITA MÁRMIKA with the chanting of BA´BA´ NA´M KEVALAM is called, “Kiirtan”. Kiirtan means, “to sing and hear the name of the Supreme”. It is recommended to perform LALITA MÁRMIKA for at least ten minutes before meditation.
* Loosens the joints of the knees and ankles preparing one for meditation posture.
* Excellent panacea for heart trouble, hypertension and high blood pressure.
* Stimulates the pineal gland to awaken higher consciousness.
* Arouses latent feelings of devotion and love for all the Creation.
* Induces feelings of surrender to the Supreme Will.
* Produces soft feelings of compassion, tenderness and kindness in the mind.
* Awakens all higher and subtler mental faculties.
* Prepares the mind for deep, concentrated meditation.
* Removes negative vibrations in the local environment.
The Different Types of Kiirtan:
There are several other types of Kiirtan that can be done along with the LALITA MÁRMIKA dance. They can be done according to the circumstances.
1. Akhanda Kiirtan: is a Kiirtan performed for a minimum of three hours. It is performed on special occasions but it may be done at any time. Akhanda means “endless”, hence this Kiirtan is a long dance that must be done in any multiple of three: 3 hours, 6 hours, 9 hours, etc. It is of course easier to do Akhanda Kiirtan when there are many people divided into different groups. It is not uncommon to hold a 24 hour Kiirtan on some special event.
2. Avarta Kiirtan: is Kiirtan that is done facing 6 different directions. Each time that we change direction we change the melody of the Kiirtan. The 6 directions are: North, East, South, West, Up, Down. By singing Kiirtan in 6 directions we vibrate all the directions with the blissful sound of BA´BA´ NA´M KEVALAM.
3. Nagar Kiirtan: Nagar means “city”. This is a public display of Kiirtan performed through the streets of a city or town. Again this is done on rare occasions either to introduce the idea of Kiirtan to the public or to celebrate some special occasion.

Inner eMotions - What is kiirtan?

Another uplifting spiritual practice is kiirtan.

Kiirtan is chanting or singing mantras, and can be done before meditation. Not essential but certainly makes the mind easier attuned for meditation. There is a universal mantra that has a deep spiritual meaning: Baba Nam Kevalam. Baba in Sanskrit means " my most beloved one", nam means "name" and kevalam means "only" - "Only the name of my most Beloved One". The idea being that you feel for yourself the inner significance. So, the ideation of this mantra is: "Everywhere I look, in everything I feel, hear, taste, smell and see, I perceive that one Supreme Consciousness which pervades all things". In general, we can say that Baba Nam Kevalam means "Infinite Love is all there is".

Kiirtan has many benefits. It prepares the mind for meditation by focusing body and mind in cosmic thought. Disturbing thoughts disperse, and peaceful feelings arise from within. Because the mind clears, one can find solutions to problems easily after finishing kiirtan. And when many people sing and dance kiirtan together, a strong spiritual force is created which can prevent and remove afflictions, calamities and miseries.

Kiirtan is usually accompanied by Lalita Marmika, a simple and ancient dance done with upraised arms and a gently swaying motion of the body. The movements of the dance open the heart and create a feeling of surrender and joy.

The kiirtan dance is easy to perform. Important points to note as follows.

Arms are held out above the horizontal level of the heart, with palms upward. This represents surrender to the Cosmic Consciousness. The hands should not go below the level of the elbows. If the hands are not up in the air, then they are kept clasped or cupped at chest level or may be used for clapping or playing instruments, particularly percussion instruments such as small drums, cymbals, triangles, bells, maracas and the like.

The feet should move alternately, placing the ball of one foot near or behind the heel of the other foot. The step is 1-2-3. That is, begin to raise the toes on the first foot (1) to start, move that foot behind the heel of the other foot (2), and bend the supporting knees (3) of both feet slightly; then as you move the first foot back to its original position (1 or 4), start 1-2-3-etc on the other side of the body.

Everyone should keep step together. When done in akhanda kiirtan (ie kiirtan in a circular movement) this creates a nice swaying flow as the dancers mover counter clockwise in a circle. When done in straight lines it creates a sense of harmony of movement.

When danced in circular fashion, mostly on special occasions, festivals or retreats, the movement will be counter clockwise. See attached photos.

Kiirtan can be done solo, and is particularly beneficial before meditation. 5 minutes kiirtan will be sufficient to lighten the mind and to create a calm, cool effect ideal for meditation.


Monday, February 27, 2012

Link al Nuevo Mantra Kiirtan B N K para descargar

Queridos Amig@s ! A pedido de algunos de ustedes en este enlace podran descargar la Nueva Melodia de Mantra Kiirtan Baba Nam Kevalam TODO ES AMOR UNIVERSAL para que la tengan para escuchar cuando quieran en sus Benditas Vidas y Dias (-: Mucha Paz *
Ram Om


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Stories by Vimal Chandra Mitra

Stories by Vimal Chandra Mitra I

The grandmother of Baba and my own grandmother were closely intimated to each other. Former often used to narrate the strange stories of his childhood.

At the age of three years, Baba could tell and explain the various stories of Mahabharata. Once I asked Baba to what extent His memory functioned. Baba replied that He could even remember the stage of His existence before birth. He further said that when he has hardly two months old, He could feel pain of the goat being butchered for the feast arranged to celebrate his birth as the first son in the family. Baba used to play with me until He was twelve. At that time, I believed that He was also practicing something secretly.

Both of us joined service in the same office almost at the same time. From then onwards I dared not meet Him because I felt one could very easily merge himself in Baba's personality. Any question put to Him was very easily and appropriately answered as if He was the authority on all the subjects. When asked about music, He could explain not only the origin but also all other minute details. He further explained the mode of putting questions. While I was still reading the headlines of different news items, He would finish reading the newspaper. Further more, He would direct me to read certain important news- items. After a few days when He asked. me again about those news items, I was unable to recollect them.

Then He would ask me to touch His finger and would subsequently narrate the entire news thoroughly. Baba explained that all such phenomena were based on a definite theory. But I fail to recollect that theory now. Elucidating the theory, He also said that all the people in the world were linked together. But I don't clearly remember what He taught me then.

Baba remembered everything He had studied during His entire academic life right from the first class. Baba used to treat me as a representative of the people, I thought of Him as the incarnation of God and was sure His fame would spread throughout the world. I got the answers of all of my questions during conversation with Him. At the end of conversation Baba asked if there were more doubts in my mind. Afterwards I asked Him how He could know the questions and doubts rising within my mind and replied them though apparently I did not ask. He would then clarify that when one stood with Him, all the things in former's mind flashed like a cinema-reel before Him.

A perfect palmist: I also found Baba as a perfect palmist. He taught palmistry to several persons in the workshop within a week. Prominent among them were Viswanathji and Shyamal Sen. Once a person named Binay Sinha wanted his palm to be read by Baba. I approached Baba who said, "I do not know palmistry. Go and see Viswanath Babu for this". At the very outset Viswanathji started chiding him: "Are you not ashamed of showing your palm?

Having heard this Baba instructed me to call the man on the morrow. Baba wanted all his crimes (as depicted by the lines of his hand) to be disclosed in the presence of all, so that he might reap the fruits of his crimes. Baba later helped Binay, the culprit, very much to become a gentleman.

Once a farewell party was given to Badal Chatterjee, nephew of Shankarji, on the eve of his transfer. A garland was offered to him, but Badal Chatterjee declined to be garlanded since he had mentally offered that garland to Revered Baba. He said that the garland should be offered to Baba. Baba accepted the garland and gave it to that very culprit, Binay. Baba also instructed him to preserve the garland at a safe place and to have a look at it while going out for day's work. Binay purchased a piece of red cloth and wrapped the garland with it and put it in the box. He used to start every work after seeing the garland. Gradually his problems were solved, he became a good man and the garland eventually disappeared from his box. Though Binay Sinha is a non-margi, yet he is devoted to Baba.

I never desired anything from Baba, but I faced no problems due to His grace. People were jealous seeing me in the company of Baba. But they could do me no harm. "A great man has to do no propaganda for himself", Baba said.

Stories by Vimal Chandra Mitra II

Once Baba told me that He knew an American Engineer whose brother in law was a poet and philosopher. Former went to meet latter who presented him, a book "Idea and Ideology". The engineer acquired much knowledge and derived satisfaction from reading the book. He made up his mind to meet the author of the book named P.R Sarkar, popularly known as Anandamurtijii. The engineer bade goodbye to his brother-in-law who failed to give him the address of Shrii Sarkar and told him that he was proceeding to India to meet Shrii Sarkar. He came to Delhi and wanted to go to American embassy in order to know the whereabouts of P.R. Sarkar. He hired a taxi and proceeded towards the embassy. After crossing a junction of roads the engineer thought to go via another road left behind. He therefore asked the driver to drive back the taxi on that road. Unexpectedly in the way, he came across a sanyasi who was astonished to see that an American was inquiring the whereabouts of Shrii Sarkar. The sanyasi belonged to Ananda Marga and so he took him to Ananda Marga office. The American later visited Varanasi and he was initiated into Marga there. He met P.R. Sarkar soon after. Thereafter, he started pracar of Ananda Marga enthusiastically after returning back to America. I do know that American.

Once Baba told me that the Raja of Garh, Jaipur was highly impressed by the thoughts of Ananda Marga and so wanted to help it. He was then eighty years old and was not able to do anything himself so, he expressed his desire to his family members to donate some land to Ananda Marga which could be used by latter for educational, relief and welfare activities. Baba went to see the land and liked it. Marga wanted to shift its headquarters to that place and start colleges and hospitals there. The Maharaja of Kashi who also wanted to donate land to Ananda Marga sent his Acaria to Baba to convey his message. A committee was formed which selected the site at Ananda Nagar i.e., the land of Raja of Garh, Jaipur. They had, therefore, to decline the offer made by the Maharaja of Kashi. Complete project of Ananda Nagar was drawn and the place started humming up with various types of activities.

Once I told Baba that He possessed extraordinary powers and was capable of doing anything he liked in no time. Baba said, "like to struggle in the prime of My life so that I may live peacefully for a long time. Struggle is beneficial. One can not progress in the absence of struggle."

Baba gave programme for children's home. He wanted homes for destitute children-children whose parents may or may not be alive but who have virtually no sources even for their survival. I asked Baba how this home would run. Baba then mentioned a verse of Ravindra Nath Tagore: Once famine broke out at the time of Gautam Buddha. He appealed to a few rich men to help him fight the famine, but none came forward. There was a beggar girl who came to Buddha and offered herself for the noble cause. She told him, that the millionaires' donation would come from one house (i.e., each will give from his own account only) but she had innumerable houses to beg from.

Baba was loved and admired by several persons in His office because of intellectual profundity, and was more often, surrounded by them. This irked the high-ups who, though holding higher official position, were very poor in learning and knowledge. They felt ashamed to Enquirer and know anything from Baba. In order to conceal their weaknesses they started hurling abuses on Baba out of sheer jealousy. They said, "What does Prabhat Babu (Baba) know? He had read only a few books. Only fools have encircled Him."

A few others in office were jealous of Him because they could not follow His great thoughts and ideas. So far as I am concerned Baba's teachings had immense effect on my life. I had been loving and respecting Him since I first knew Him in 1947.

Baba was never scolded by His senior officers. On the contrary, Baba reproved them for their faults. Some officers were always trying to find fault with Baba so that He could be transferred on that pretext. But they never got such an opportunity. Several times CID. men went to make enquiq about Him but they used to return being initiated into Ananda Marga.

Baba used to sit quietly in His office. Once a man from Bhagalpur started offering red roses to Him every day. He used to return after bidding pranam to Him. He was never seen asking any boon from Baba. This made me Enquirer about the mystery behind that offer Baba replied, "He is a very clever man. One day he would get something which would fulfil all of his wishes."

Within a day, Baba explained to me the inner thoughts of Gatanjali. It surprised me to find how He explained so many things in such a short period.

Although Baba was mostly busy explaining various matters and answering different questions to the inquisitive minds, His official works always remained upto-date. Those participating in discussions and conversations with Baba also kept their records up-to-date so that higher officials could get no chance to tell anything which offended Baba.

Once senior officers came to Him on the pretext of inspecting work report. They went back disappointed to find no point to make complaint against Him.

Baba told me about their bad intentions.

On one occasion, Baba was called to furnish explanation on some fabricated charges. Baba submitted His resignation in reply.

There was periodical "Angika Samachar" being published from Bhagalpur. Angika language had no grammar then. So the magazine had to face insurmountable difficulties in editing. Baba called Anil Bhattachaqa and dictated the grammar of Angika with in two hours. Angika Subhodh, the grammar, was handed over to the editor, who found his difficulties solved in on time.

Dhyana Meditacion * Meditation *

We know that one can sit on the lap of Parama Purusa in dhyana and so many of our devotional practices. This is well accepted idea in our Tantrik Spiritual Path.

Baba says, "Now if the same humans address Parama Puruśa with appropriate humility, saying, “Oh Lord, show us the way, take us to Your feet and allow us to sit on Your loving lap” – this is devotion. If this devotion is present, everything else will automatically take care of itself." (SS-11, What Is the Way?)

Baba says, "Intelligent people who move firmly along the path of dharma and sit on the lap of Iśt́a are destined to be victorious." (SS-12, Where There Is Dharma There Is Iśt́a, and Where There Is Iśt́a There Is Victory)

Baba says, "One who doesn’t entertain any thought about past, present or future, but simply says, “I have come to take shelter in You,” is sure to get the shelter of Parama Puruśa and will certainly be lifted onto His lap." (AV-5, Taking Refuge Is the Final Word)

By Baba's above teaching it is very clear that by surrendering to Him with love and devotion, one is sure to attain His lap. This may happen in dhyana or other spiritual practices. That is Baba's Shrii Anandamurti expressed guideline.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Eckhart Tolle

"Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance."

Eckhart Tolle
‎"Awareness is the power that is concealed within the present moment. … The ultimate purpose of human existence, which is to say, your purpose, is to bring that power into this world." ~ Eckhart Tolle