Monday, March 5, 2012

5 de Marzo - Anada Nagar Memorial *

Today is' dadhichi' divas,[5th march] MANTRA MULAM GURU VAKYAM Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti has cautioned the vanguards of the fighting people: "Fight for your ideology. Be one with your ideology. Live for your ideology. Die for your ideology." When life and ideology become complimentary to each other, the question of death is reduced to a very trifling matter. Then life and death swing in the cradle of undying consciousness. Death becomes a gateway of deathlessness and life remains enshrined in the temple of immortality. Then fight gets the status of ideological fight, the battle-field becomes a holy place and the soldiers killed in that fight are adored as 'Dadhichi.' "My children I am yours. My Mission is to materlaize the cosmic ideology in human heart. Do your duty and obey the code of discipline as worthy children of your beloved 'BABA' Your affectionately, BABA

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